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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Miami Valley Vision Care the leading provider of vision care products and services in Eaton.

Dr. Karl Hofmann

Miami Valley Vision Care welcomed Karl Hofmann, O.D. to the practice in early June 2013. He took ownership of the practice in February 2014 from the retiring Dr. DeVon Meyer. Dr. Hofmann was raised in southern Ohio where he graduated from St. Joseph High School in Ironton. He attended Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana and received his Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. After working for five years as a biochemical engineer for Tate & Lyle, he decided to return to school to pursue his true passion in eye care. Dr. Hofmann received his Doctor of Optometry degree from the Ohio State University where he gained extensive experience in management of ocular disease, fitting of specialty contact lenses, pediatrics and binocular vision. He is excited to bring his knowledge and training to the Eaton community.

Dr. Hofmann is licensed in the treatment and management of ocular diseases and is an active member of the American Optometric Association and the Ohio Optometric Association.

Dr. Hofmann is joined by his wife Deanna and their three young daughters; Lydia, MaKayla, and Alyssa. Both Dr. Hofmann and his wife grew up in rural areas and wanted to raise their family in the same setting. When looking for a location to raise their family, Eaton was at the top of their list. Both Dr. Hofmann and his wife were active in sports throughout high school and college. Deanna is a 10 year 4-Her and looks forward to the girls joining 4-H when they are of age. They are very grateful to have the opportunity to join the community and call Eaton their home.


Jeanne Brown L.D.O./A.E.P.

Licensed Dispenscing Optician and Allied Eye Professional. She has 38 years experience licensed in both contact lenses and eyewear.

Jeanne comes from three generations of  opticians. She received her early training working under the guidance of her mother at an optical shop in Alabama. Jeanne joined Miami Valley Vision care in 1987 and has honed her expertise over her long tenure. Jeanne has a strong passion for profession, which shows in the relationships she has developed with her patients.

Pat Bailie L.D.O./A.E.P.

Licensed Dispensing Optician with 36 years experience.

Pat joined Miami Valley Vision Care in 1978 and worked as a full time optician for 30 years. Now semi-retired, Pat currently runs our in house optical lab and is able to provide our patients with custom lens orders.

Julie Perry A.E.P. Trainee

Allied Eye Professional with 2 years experience

Julie joined Miami Valley Care in 2012 and is trained as a para-optometric technician. She enjoys working with our youngest of patients due to her background in early childhood education.

Amber Lensch A.E.P Trainee

Amber is the most recent addition to the Miami Valley Vision Care team. She gained her experience as a receptionist working at a veterinary clinic for 9 years in Oxford, OH. She is excited to bring her experience back to her home town of Eaton, OH.

Deanna Hofmann – Office Manager